
let me define friendship..

Friendship is knowing when to hold on and why to let go. People are what they are and who they may be with or without you. There are people one will respect irrespective of what is known to be true. The person may be the nicest person to you and the most cruel to someone else.
In my experience some people have been in my life because I respect their point of view. There are others I have tried to hold on to because of feeling sorry for what they are to other people. Those are the worst ones to hold on to; you know where they are coming from: they tear you down behind your back and to anyone they feel equal or superior. But since you feel you can handle their selfishness you tolerate their behavior. They smile in your face and attack you socially with anyone who will listen. Now a true friend is someone you consider while considering yourself. You want to see that person happy. If there is a reason to keep your mouth shut you will do it. If something has to be said you will constructively tell the person. Tell the person who need to hear your perspective and not the whole planet.Friendship will not hurt you as long as you respect the friendship. If you do not intend to be a real part of someone; be lonely. it is not feasible to hold on to a friend when you know you like nothing about that person. Sooner or later the snake will bite you as it has everyone else. A friend at the end of a relationship will still respect your privacy by not knowing anything about you. A friend will not get information on you to pass on to someone else.
The other type I detest are the ones who want to know what you are doing with your significant or inconsequential mate. generally it is to match stories with some other ex-lover who claim to know you.
A true friend does not have to be socially or financially where you are and may or may not expect you to help them to the next point.A true friend will listen to you and not to others who only know what they think they know.A friend cannot tolerate the hunger of a stranger as well as the hardship of an acquaintance. A friend may need you for a reason other that you suspect. The name of friendship is" accessibility." Friends offer good prayers for another's deliverance from whatever may stop this other friend from happiness.

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